Psychological thriller 'Innuendo' has
already won an award in a Hollywood based screenplay competition and we have an
incredible team of passionate filmmakers with a vision. The screenplay is often
one of the most challenging parts of getting a film project started, we however
are past that hurdle and ready to go make a feature film.
Many impressive names have boosted the project already with their extensive experience and knowledge, including Dee McLachlan (AFI winning director of the Jammed), Geoffrey Wright (director of Romper Stomper), Marko Jatkola (writer of Jade Warrior) to mention but a few.
Innuendo Introduction:
We are also very proud to announce that the award winning
English composer Charly Harrison is attached to compose the music for Innuendo,
it will be epic!
This film will be shot mainly in Australia with some parts
in Finland. With the Finnish Australian creator Saara Lamberg, it will be all
sorts of exotic wrapped up in a thrilling feature film that will keep you on
the edge of your seat.
Are you ready to jump on our journey? It will be an exciting
An interview with Saara:
Saara's IMDb page:
Suomenkielinen esittelyvideo (Introduction in Finnish):
Innuendo Psykologinen jännityselokuva
Suomalaisen Saara Lambergin Innuendo voitti pronssia
hollywoodilaisessa Beverly Hills Screenplay- kilpailussa. Nyt sinulla on
mahdollisuus tukea elokuvaa, jotta se saadaan paperilta filmille ja sinun
silmiesi eteen.
Jos pidit näistä elokuvista, pidät tästä:Girl with a Dragon Tattoo, Black Swan, Basic Instinct, Girl Interrupted, American Beauty, Dancing in the Dark, Silence of the lambs, Hard Candy
Jos sinulla on kysymyksiä elokuvasta, tai indiegogo
prosessista, lähetä ne osoitteeseen:, vastaamme
pian- suomeksi!
More about the creator Saara Lamberg

I come from Finland, I studied in England and I am now
working in Australia, where I received a Distinguished Talent Permanent
Residency and citizenship.
I started my film career as an actor in hundreds of short
films, some television and independent feature films. At the same time, I also
studied production and writing and I am now really enjoying creating my own
One of my recent short films (produced, written and starring
in) has been shown at ten international film festivals including LA, Toronto, Berlin,
Sydney, San Francisco and so on. It also won the award for Best Music at the 48h
film competition in Melbourne (the same composer will compose the music for
I am someone who has had to face adversity but who has kept
persevering to get where I am now. Being bullied at school, having an alcoholic
grandmother and a terminally ill mother have been some of the personal struggles
I have had to face.
I don’t come from money, instead I have had to work hard and
persist. Being an actor and filmmaker is not easy when you’re not affluent as
so many aspects of building a career require personal investments. But I have a
mad drive and I am resourceful in other ways.
In the world of filmmakers, there is only one female for
every 15 males. One. In Hollywood, less than 30% of speaking parts go to women.
So that’s a pretty difficult battle in itself. I have been lucky enough to win
awards and my work has received critical acclaim and many festivals have
invited my films on board.
I believe that good stories need to be told, and filmmakers
need to make stories that not only entertain but also challenge the
viewers. I am interested in making films
about mental health, family connections, and how people influence each other-
in good or in bad. For more news, go to Saara's Homepage
Saara Lamberg Showreel
More about Innuendo

Here's some of the feedback the screenplay has received:
"This eerie, psychological thriller raises a lot of
intriguing questions.--The images, the dialogue, the characters, the fantasies,
and use of sexual innuendo are all ways in which this script demonstrates its
artistic abilities. The story reads like poetry and looks like a dream.
Characters are all rooted in reality but also function in a world of fantasy.
Their thoughts and behavior are on the surface extreme yet inspired from
feeling that are found in the depth of our subconscious. There is also an
element of fearlessness in this script -- it was refreshing to read something
so uninhibited.-- one aspect that’s undeniable is that this was a moving script
with a unique voice and concept."
Table Read My Screenplay Contest (UK)
"Simply stated, I loved this script. I loved the
characters, I loved the plotline, I loved the structure. I loved the cold,
clinical atmosphere. It was so vividly written that I could easily see the
pictures that go along with the words.
Tuuli is a fascinating, mysterious character who serves as
both an emotional anchor point and an object of intrigue. I loved how you kept
her at arm's length from the viewer. We know very little about her (Aside from
a gradually revealed backstory) and are never quite sure of her true motives.
Yet because she feels like a complete human being, we never doubt her. I
mentioned the vivid visuals. The words pop off the page. You clearly have a
plan for what you want this to be. It's very cold, like a wet windchill on a
moist gray day. I was reminded of films like The American and Ghost Dog. Films
that are boldly visual abstractions with strong characters formed out of a
sturdy symbolic base."
BlueCat Screenplay Competition (US)
More about composer Charly Harrison
I believe good music can really make the film, and sound is
one of the most effective ways to access the human mind. This is why I am going
to work with one of the best composers in the business, Charly Harrison.
Charly studied music at the critically acclaimed Dartington
College of Arts but for the most part, he is self-taught. He'd never had any
formal musical training and didn't even read sheet music before he got accepted
to study a degree. Most kids go through years and years of music theory and
instrument training before getting
accepted to study at university level. Charly hadn't had an opportunity
to do this, instead he learned his craft by spending hours and hours studying
recordings of his favorite musicians. He delivered newspapers at 6am before
going to school to be able to get enough money together to buy his first
guitar, followed by a 4-track tape machine.
Where is Charly now? Well, you know those people who can just pick up any instrument and start playing it? Don't you just envy them? Well, Charly happens to be one of them... And he doesn't only play them, he combines different sounds in unexpected ways and he is always keen to explore his old instruments to find new ways of playing them and finding new sounds and variations.
Charly is awesome at taking direction and he is a delight to
work with.
I have been very lucky to have Charly compose the music for
all of my short films and last year he won the BEST MUSIC at the 48h film
competition for our film Candy Cravings.
Innuendo Teaser
If you have any questions about the production, the story,
the creators, or anything else please contact us at
Thank you for supporting Innuendo!
Saara Lamberg and the Team